Initial Assessment

Conduct a detailed assessment of the existing building to understand its current condition, structural integrity, and potential challenges.

Identify the client’s goals, preferences, and budget for the refurbishment.

Client Consultation

Engage in discussions with the client to define the scope of the refurbishment, understanding specific requirements, aesthetic preferences, and desired functionalities.

Establish a clear understanding of the client’s vision for the transformed space.

Regulatory Compliance

Research and ensure compliance with local building codes, zoning regulations, and any historic preservation requirements.

Secure necessary planning permissions and permits for the proposed refurbishment.

Conceptual Design

Develop initial design concepts that align with the client’s goals and vision.

Explore various design possibilities, considering both functional and aesthetic aspects.

Architectural Drawings

Create detailed architectural drawings, including floor plans, elevations, sections, and any necessary details to guide the refurbishment.

Collaborate with structural engineers to address structural considerations.

Material Selection

Choose appropriate materials that enhance the building’s aesthetics, improve functionality, and align with sustainability standards.

Consider energy-efficient and eco-friendly materials for a modern and sustainable refurbishment.

Interior Design and Space Planning

CGI visualises interior spaces, including detailed renderings of furniture, materials, and lighting. This assists in conveying the ambience and functionality of the designed interiors.

Services Planning

Plan for the upgrade or replacement of electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Integrate smart technologies and energy-efficient solutions where applicable.

Contractor Selection and Construction

Assist the client in selecting a contractor through a competitive tendering process.

Oversee the construction phase, ensuring that the design intent is faithfully executed and managing any unforeseen issues.

Quality Control and Inspection

Implement quality control measures throughout the construction process, conducting regular site inspections to ensure workmanship meets the required standards.

Address any issues promptly and ensure that construction adheres to the design specifications.

Final Inspection and Handover

Conduct a comprehensive final inspection to ensure that all aspects of the refurbishment meet the agreed-upon standards.

Provide the client with documentation, including as-built drawings and any relevant warranties.

Hand over the refurbished space to the client for occupancy.

A full refurbishment requires careful planning, attention to detail, and collaboration among architects, engineers, interior designers, and contractors. Effective communication with the client is essential to ensure that the final result aligns with their expectations and objectives for the renovated space.